Who We Are

The Generation Infocus Foundation is a social innovation organization. 

We are a philanthropic organization that develops community programs throughout the USA and abroad. We take great interest in partnering with local organizations and individuals that provide the hands-on ground work for our communities. Our primary focus areas are education equality, housing and nutrition. We exist to create opportunity.



Our Mission

All of our thoughts, beliefs, desires, and hopes are centered on the ideology that with the proper knowledge and support, our community will be empowered to improve itself from the inside out. We strive to push the boundaries of the status quo to engage and inspire the community work around us. Our hope is to walk alongside our community directly with like-minded organizations and individuals that fuel the spirit of courage to drive out educational inequalities, hunger, homelessness and joblessness. We strive for our community to benefit from every step we take to make a difference that is lasting. We will change the world together.



We aim to make a difference. We believe that through community engagement and programming this generation will become the agents of change that our world needs.


We believe that by providing 21st century career connections, solutions to homelessness and nutrition we can instill hope for a future within our community. We are hopeful in every person’s ability to succeed and we know that we must contribute to our communities success. 


We believe we can influence our community by cultivating impactful and engaged citizens. By creating a chain of reaction that starts with each person in need. We believe that we can shift the minds of our community to embrace a world of equality for all.

A sample of our exciting programs:

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